Auto Troubleshooting
a. Yellow lights lighting up your dashboard are always stressful. Rest assured, there’s not much to worry about most of the time. It’s only your vehicle’s way of telling you that something is not working at 100%. Most yellow warning lights relate to minor or intermittent glitches in the system.
b. Red TCM warning lights are more disturbing. You should stop driving your car as soon as the TCM light starts flashing. All red or flashing dashboard lights mean that the engine should be turned off as soon as possible to prevent any damage. These are usually related to more severe troubles like dangerously low fluid level or severe malfunction of one of the main components.

Troubleshooting procedure:
A. The case of a yellow light problem:
i. start by scanning the TCM for codes and write it down.
ii. Get the troubleshooting chart for that code or translate it here with our home search bar and see if it’s something you can fix yourself. Most external sensor problems can be fixed at home with basic tools.
iii. Simply locate the faulty sensor and replace it.
B. Flashing warning light troubles are harder to fix by yourself.
i. Data and communication problems often require the use of a professional scan tool as well as programming skills.
ii. Since the car shouldn’t be driven anyway, you might as well have it towed to the nearest transmission specialist.