Auto Troubleshooting
Slower than usual gear changes are often caused by an incorrect transmission fluid grade or contaminants. Anything related to the thickness of the fluid could make the pressure valves go nuts.

Troubleshooting procedure:
i. Make sure that this problem is not related to any sensor issue by scanning the TCM (transmission control module) for codes.
ii. Perform the usual fluid level check and make sure the tranny is not leaking
iii. Take the car out for a drive and look at the transmission live data using an OBD2 scan tool. Anything out of the ordinary will let you know that either the oil pressure is not quite right, or the valve body is malfunctioning.
iv. Try replacing your transmission fluid completely and see if the readings are back to normal.
v. If not, you’ll need to have your transmission checked by a specialist. Valve body repairs are not for amateurs. If you don’t know what you are doing, you better leave it to a professional, or you could end up doing more harm than good.