Auto Troubleshooting
OBD II Codes (P0000 - P0099) | P0004 “Fuel Volume Regulator Control Circuit High”:

P0004 is a generic OBD-II code indicating an issue with the engine control module (ECM) not reading signals from your fuel shut-off on your fuel injection rail mounted to your engine.
The ECM uses the fuel shut-off valve to stop fuel from entering the engine when you turn it off. By doing so, it prevents your engine from continuing to run after you turn the key off (a term we call ‘dieseling’). The code will cause this problem and set a Check Engine Light.
Potential causes of this engine code may include:
• FVR wiring/harness electrical problem (wiring short, corrosion, etc.)
• Failed fuel volume regulator (FVR) solenoid
• PCM failure (rare)
• Possible corrosion in the sensor connector
• A broken wire to the ECM
• A defective fuel shutoff valve
• The ECM is damaged
Listed below are some of the common symptoms of this trouble code.
• Malfunction indicator light (MIL) or check engine light illuminates
• Vehicle won’t start/no-start condition
• Limp mode enabled
• Decreased engine performance
• Engine may stall
• Increased fuel consumption
• Lack of engine power
The P0004 fault code may cause the following with your vehicle:
Effect caused:
• Lower your fuel economy
• Prevent your vehicle from starting
• Prevent your vehicle from turning off
• Cause your vehicle to stall at any time while driving
• Prevent your vehicle from passing emissions
P0004 is properly diagnosed with an advanced scan tool capable of factory sensor readings (not just one from an auto parts store) and a voltage meter. A qualified technician can read the data from the advanced scan tool to determine when the problem occurred, or if it is still occurring. They may clear the code and test drive the vehicle while monitoring the scan tool data to see if the fault returns or is constant.
Wiring may have to be inspected for damage (which may require) cutting open the protective covering, inspecting the wiring harness, and replacing the covering.
Based upon the conditions of the test, possibly clearing the code and performing a road test while monitoring the data, further diagnosis may be required. Diagnosis may require multiple tools such as:
• Lower your fuel economy
• Prevent your vehicle from starting
• Prevent your vehicle from turning off
• Cause your vehicle to stall at any time while driving
• Prevent your vehicle from passing emissions
The most common procedure to repair the P0004 code are as follows:
• Connect a professional scan tool to verify the code exists.
• Perform research from professional sources for testing and values based upon the code.
• Check for any other fault codes which may be related to the issue.
• Perhaps clear the fault codes to see which fault codes return.
• Analyze scan tool data from the ECM.
• Road test the vehicle while analyzing the scan tool data from the ECM with other tools attached.
• Verify if the P0004 code returns or the symptoms exist.
• Inspect all the items listed above (wiring, voltages, etc.).
• Further diagnose the problem with the special tools listed above if the problem appears to repeat. The signals and wiring from the sensor require analyzation to determine where the problem exists. If the signals are fine, then further testing of the wiring, computer, or fuel system is required.
• Replace the fuel shutoff valve, wiring, or what is faulty.